Empires of Bronze: The Shadow of Troy
Gordon Doherty
1258 BC: Surrounded and outnumbered by the army of Agamemnon, King Priam and his Trojan forces fight desperately to defend their city. In the lulls between battle, all talk inevitably turns to the mighty ally that has not yet arrived to their aid. Agamemnon will weep for mercy, the Trojans say, when the eastern horizons darken with the endless ranks of the Hittite Empire.
King Hattu has endured a miserable time since claiming the Hittite throne. Vassals distance themselves while rival empires circle, mocking him as an illegitimate king. Worst of all, the army of the Hittites is but a memory, destroyed in the civil war that won him the throne. Knowing that he must honour his empire’s oath to protect Troy, he sets off for Priam’s city with almost nothing, praying that the dreams he has endured since his youth – of Troy in ruins – can be thwarted. All the way, an ancient mantra rings in his head: Hittites should always heed their dreams.
Other books by Gordon Doherty
Legionary: The Emperor’s Shield
Strategos: Rise of the Golden Heart
Strategos: Island in the Storm
Empires of Bronze: The Dark Earth
Gods of Rome
Legionary: Empire of Shades
Empires of Bronze: The Crimson Throne
Masters of Rome
Empires of Bronze: Thunder at Kadesh
Empires of Bronze: Dawn of War
Legionary: Dark Eagle
Empires of Bronze: Son of Ishtar
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
Legionary: The Blood Road
Legionary: Gods & Emperors
Legionary: The Scourge of Thracia
Legionary: Land of the Sacred Fire
Legionary: Viper of the North
Strategos: Born in the Borderlands