Empires of Bronze: The Dark Earth
Gordon Doherty
1237 BC: It is an age of panic. The great empires are in disarray – ravaged by endless drought, shaken by ferocious earthquakes and starved of precious tin. Some say the Gods have abandoned mankind.
When Tudha ascends the Hittite throne, the burden of stabilising the realm falls upon his shoulders. Despite his valiant endeavours, things continue to disintegrate; allies become foes, lethal plots arise, and enemy battle horns echo across Hittite lands.
Yet this is nothing compared to the colossal, insidious shadow emerging from the west. Crawling unseen towards Tudha’s collapsing Hittite world comes a force unlike any ever witnessed; an immeasurable swarm of outlanders, driven by the cruel whip of nature, spreading fire and destruction: the Sea Peoples.
Every age must end. The measure of a man is how he chooses to face it.
Other books by Gordon Doherty
Legionary: The Emperor’s Shield
Strategos: Rise of the Golden Heart
Strategos: Island in the Storm
Empires of Bronze: The Shadow of Troy
Gods of Rome
Legionary: Empire of Shades
Empires of Bronze: The Crimson Throne
Masters of Rome
Empires of Bronze: Thunder at Kadesh
Empires of Bronze: Dawn of War
Legionary: Dark Eagle
Empires of Bronze: Son of Ishtar
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
Legionary: The Blood Road
Legionary: Gods & Emperors
Legionary: The Scourge of Thracia
Legionary: Land of the Sacred Fire
Legionary: Viper of the North
Strategos: Born in the Borderlands