Empires of Bronze: The Crimson Throne
Gordon Doherty
1272 BC: Prince Hattu returns home from the battlefield of Kadesh to find his nephew on the throne, the old king’s blood dripping from his hands. Under Urhi-Teshub’s reign, the Hittite realm has become a land of fear and violent reprisals. Ancient family lines and old ways are being wiped out as the young tyrant strengthens his bronze-fisted grip on power.
Hattu’s loved ones are spared only in return for his absolute obedience. Yet he knows he must choose between his family and his burning need for restitution. The Goddess Ishtar, ever-present in his dreams, assures him that there is only one future. A war for the throne is coming… and blood will be let.
Other books by Gordon Doherty
Legionary: The Emperor’s Shield
Strategos: Rise of the Golden Heart
Strategos: Island in the Storm
Empires of Bronze: The Dark Earth
Empires of Bronze: The Shadow of Troy
Gods of Rome
Legionary: Empire of Shades
Masters of Rome
Empires of Bronze: Thunder at Kadesh
Empires of Bronze: Dawn of War
Legionary: Dark Eagle
Empires of Bronze: Son of Ishtar
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
Legionary: The Blood Road
Legionary: Gods & Emperors
Legionary: The Scourge of Thracia
Legionary: Land of the Sacred Fire
Legionary: Viper of the North
Strategos: Born in the Borderlands