Peter Gluckman

Agent: Donald Winchester

Professor Peter Gluckman’s research focuses on what gives us a healthy start to life: understanding how a baby’s environment between conception and birth determines its childhood development and life-long health – and the impact that this knowledge has for individuals and whole populations.

He is the author of over 500 scientific papers and reviews and editor of eight books, including two influential textbooks in his subject area.

He is passionate about communicating a better understanding of science in the community and, with colleague Mark Hanson of The University of Southampton, has co-authored two books for non-scientific audiences: THE FETAL MATRIX (2004) which summarises his ideas on how events in early life lead to altered disease risk in later life and MISMATCH – why our world no longer fits our bodies (2006).

With Hanson and Dr Alan Beedle he is co-author of the first text book and organised summary of evolutionary medicine PRINCIPLES OF EVOLUTIONARY MEDICINE (Oxford University Press, 2009), published 200 years after Charles Darwin’s birth.