Philosophers on God: Talking about Existence

Jack Symes

The existence of God is the most discussed question in philosophy. Philosophers on God examines the modern debate through conversations with a dozen of world leading philosophers of religion.

Each chapter centres around a thinker’s explanation and defence of their position, accompanied by overviews of why they matter and what they believe. Allowed to defend their response to whether or not God exists, philosophers test and challenge their rivals. Their debates and arguments bring theories and arguments to life, offering compelling insights into major positions about atheism, evil, suffering, secularism, and theism.

Each chapter includes key definitions of terminology and harder-to-grasp concepts, study questions, and suggestions for further reading. With overviews contextualizing each thinker and accompanying interviews found on The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast, this introduction guides us through the variety of ways we can believe in, or argue against, God.

Authors include: Purushottama Bilimoria, Clare Carlisle, Sam Coleman, William Lane Craig, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, A. C. Grayling, Patrice Haynes, Asha Lancaster Thomas, Stephen Law, Yujin Nagasawa, Alvin Plantinga, and Emily Thomas.

“Philosophers on God manages to be both insightful and extremely readable. The volume consists of short articles and engaging interviews from important philosophers around the globe. This volume will be a helpful resource in the classroom and at the coffee shop.”
Tyler Mcnabb, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Saint Francis University, USA
“Philosophers on God is brilliantly readable, and the topic is endlessly fascinating. Whether God exists or not, He or She has many advantages for the philosopher as a topic of speculation, not least that we are not likely to run out of things to say about the matter, because it will never be resolved. In this well-structured book, Jack Symes faces several eminent thinkers, some believers and some not, with exactly the sort of questions we’d put forward ourselves if we could think clearly enough. Some of their answers are more familiar than others, naturally; some surprised me; all told me something, and some told me a lot; none persuaded me completely. I end much as I began, like the judge in one of F.E. Smith’s cases, no wiser than before, but much better informed.”
Philip Pullman