Ayurveda: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Wellness

Geeta Vara

Ayurveda is the oldest known medical science, taking a total holistic approach to life and wellbeing. It brings equilibrium by diving deep into gut health and balancing the three energy forces known as ‘doshas’. These doshas give rise to your unique physical, emotional, and mental characteristics.

Ayurveda: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Wellness teaches us to reconnect with our natural bio-circadian rhythms and nurture our intimate relationship with nature. The simple, daily applicable wisdom of Ayurveda can help lead you out of the doctor’s surgery and on a journey towards self-healing. Expert practitioner Geeta Vara reveals a holistic approach to healthcare that can be customised for you. The book focuses on food as medicine, detoxification, movement, meditation, natural store cupboard remedies and daily rituals that you will love.