16th May 2019
The Artist’s Garden: How Gardens Inspired Our Greatest Painters
The Artist’s Garden will feature up to 20 gardens that have inspired and been home to some of the greatest painters of history. These gardens... more »
24th May 2018
Island Gardens: Havens of Beauty Around the British Isles
The British Isles consists of more than 6,000 islands scattered around the main islands of Britain and Ireland. More than 100 of these British off-shore... more »
24th May 2018
Shakespeare’s Gardens
Shakespeare’s Gardens is a highly illustrated, informative book about the gardens that William Shakespeare knew as a boy and tended as a man, published to coincide... more »
24th May 2018
The Writer’s Garden: How Gardens Inspired Our Best-Loved Authors
Great things happen in gardens. No one can doubt the importance of the garden in Roald Dahl’s life as it was here where he worked,... more »