Icon to publish new non-fiction titles from Dr Alice Vernon and Dr James Riley
Thursday 10th December 2020

Icon will publish two books by Watson, Little clients.
NIGHT TERRORS, a debut title by Dr Alice Vernon, who investigates the world of nightmares, hallucinations and sleepwalking. Drawing upon research, scientific, historical and literary sources, as well as the author’s own experiences, NIGHT TERRORS will also explore the recent phenomenon of vivid dreams during the Covid-19 lockdown. Vernon is based at Aberystwyth University.
IN HEADSPACE: HOW THE SEVENTIES LOST ITS MIND, FOUND ITSELF AND TAUGHT US TO BE WELL, by Dr James Riley, tells the story of the New Age Health movements of the 1970s, and how they formed the basis for today’s contemporary wellness industry. From coastal meditation retreats to the paranoias of darkened flotation tanks, he tells the often-bizarre tale of what happened when the psychedelic generation met the psychiatric profession. Riley’s previous book, THE BAD TRIP: DARK OMENS, NEW WORLDS AND THE END OF THE SIXTIES, was published by Icon in 2018.
Senior commissioning editor Kiera Jamison bought world English rights for both books from Donald Winchester. Icon will publish both titles in autumn 2022.
Commenting on the acquisition, Jamison said: “Alice and James both have an incredible gift for writing books packed with information, brought to life in vivid colour, and with a thrill of something fantastical troubling the edges of reality. I’m delighted to work with James again as he brings out the strange, troubling and wonderful connections between the wellness industry behemoth and its 1970s roots. Alice’s book, blending the scientific with stories of vampires, witches and ghosts, is sure to keep readers up at night.”